速報APP / 生活品味 / Guests and Invitations

Guests and Invitations





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Paseo del Conquistador 136 Casa 3 Colonia Lomas de Cortes 62240 Cuernavaca, Morelos

Guests and Invitations(圖1)-速報App

Over the time we have a lot invitations and sooner or later, we don’t remember who was when invited, together with whom and most important, what was served.

Guests and Invitations(圖2)-速報App

With this app, you con easily manage your invitations. Create the course/meal you served and attach persons to your event. Also mark each person as invited, confirmed or declined.

Guests and Invitations(圖3)-速報App

The app will help you to get a list of all your invitations, see who was invited and what you served.

Guests and Invitations(圖4)-速報App

Than it is very easy to see for a person, when was invited, together with whom and what courses/meals you offered. All this to avoid to offer the same meals again to a person or invite maybe the same persons again to your events.

Guests and Invitations(圖5)-速報App

Also you can review all courses/meals so far served and see to whom this was served or will be served in your future events.

Guests and Invitations(圖6)-速報App

It was never much easier to handle your invitations and meals and plan your upcoming events in perfection.

Guests and Invitations(圖7)-速報App

Guests and Invitations(圖8)-速報App